Administrative Regulation 7.11

SUBJECT: Solicitors and Payroll Deductions ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Human Resources


This procedure is adopted to address solicitors and/or vendors attempting to sell services or goods to employees on Citrus County properties and business interactions and/or payroll deductions associated with such services.


  1. Any vendor selling insurance or other goods and services must contact the Human Resources Department. Prior to any approval the Human Resources Department will verify that the vendor is properly licensed by the State and County. 
  2. The vendor will be required to provide a copy of the plan or service to be offered to the Human Resources Department in order to insure that there is no implied endorsement by the Board or the County of the goods or service being promoted. 
  3. Any vendor requesting payroll deduction must provide evidence to the Finance Director of no less than100 employee signed payroll deduction authorization cards of employees currently employed by the Board of County Commissioners. 
  4. Payroll deduction shall not start until verification by County staff is completed. 
  5. Once the initial receipt of 100 signed cards is received at any time thereafter if the authorized number of payroll deductions falls below 100, the vendor will be notified that effective the next most convenient pay period, payroll deductions will cease.
  6. No vendor selling goods and services to individual employees of the Board of County Commissioners shall be authorized to do so on County property from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday.

FOOTNOTES & REFERENCES RELATED TO AR's: Supersedes: Administrative Memo No. 81-9; AR 7.21 dated January 26, 1999.