Learning Landscape Garden at Extension

The Learning Landscape is located behind the Citrus County Extension Office at 3650 W. Sovereign Path, Lecanto.

Living in this fragile piece of paradise, we need to be particularly conscious of our impacts, especially with our landscaping practices. The FYN program and the Learning Landscape educate citizens about landscaping practices that will cost less and require less time to maintain than a typical yard, conserve water and protect water quality, reduce personal pollution and create a beautiful landscape that provides wildlife habitat.

ffll2The Learning Landscape contains numerous labeled species of trees, shrubs and groundcovers. An operational irrigation display demonstrates different methods of irrigation. The small waterfall and pond demonstrate Florida-friendly landscaping around waterbodies. At each of the nine stations, you can collect a tip card that explains how to apply that principle in your own yard.

Nine distinct areas within the Learning Landscape demonstrate Florida Yards & Neighborhoods’ Nine Principles: Right Plant, Right Place, Water Efficiently, Recycle, Fertilize Appropriately, Manage Yard Pests Responsibly, Protect the Waterfront, Mulch, Reduce Stormwater Runoff, and Attract Wildlife.